
Maria Snäll

Maria Snäll

“Working with space is a great thing, but my favorite part is meeting all the amazing and fun people that are so passionate about what they do.”

Maria Snäll works as Project Manager for Rocket and Balloon missions at Esrange Space Center, in northern Sweden. When asked about her job and some of her favorite memories, she shared this story:

“Working with space is a great thing, but my favorite part is meeting all the amazing and fun people who are so passionate about what they do. I also get to experience plenty of rocket and balloon launches. To the very last minute, you stand there focused and waiting, all tense, and after a successful launch, you feel both happiness and relief.”

The office where I work has a very familiar feeling, and it has been like that since I started in 2005. My colleagues and clients create that special atmosphere. You really get to know people since we work so hard and closely together.

My favorite space memory is the launch of MAXUS-9. It was a very cool project to be part of, and the feeling when the rocket took off was indescribable. You could really feel the air pressure from the rocket, even though we were one kilometer away.

“I look forward to experiencing satellite launches from Esrange in the near future. I also wish to see the outcome on the ExoMars mission, which has been an exciting experience to follow so far.”

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