
SSC strives for long-term sustainable development for the benefit of our customers, society, environment, and employees. As a serious and responsible corporation, SSC shall maintain a high quality and ethical standard in all its undertakings.

Sentinel-2 satellite image over Florida

We help Earth benefit from Space

SSC supports the UN´s Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals as well as Sweden’s ambition to be a leader in the implementation of the agenda. Read about the goals where SSC can contribute the most and examples of actual contributions in our Summary.

Image: A Sentinel-2 10m resolution image over southern Florida, overlain with the Ulyssys Water Quality Index. 



Sustainability report and Code of Conduct


SSC Annual and Sustainability Report 2023


SSC Annual and Sustainability Report 2023

In Swedish

Code of Conduct cover

SSC Code of Conduct

This Code is the foundation for the business we do and defines our values and business ethics.

Code of Conduct cover

SSC Supplier Code of Conduct

Falls under the SSC Code of Conduct and outlines our expectations on our suppliers of goods and services and is applicable to all business relations such as agents, distributors, partners and subcontractors.


For an anonymous report about concerns regarding SSC. Reports are handled by a third party.



– Sweden and outside EU: KPMG Whistleblower Service
– The Netherlands: KPMG Whistleblower, NL
– Germany: KPMG Whistleblower, Germany
– Spain: KPMG Whistleblower, Spain



+46 771 402 103 – Goes directly to KPMG Whistleblower Service



Please use the following email to forward grievances to SSC:

Questions and Answers about Whistleblower

It must refer to irregularities in which there is a public interest in them being resolved (for example bribery and corruption, fraud, conflict of interest, breach of human rights, harassment, theft etc).

The information must therefore concern the public and not the reporting person’s own working or employment conditions. Conditions that concern an individual may in some cases be of general interest if, for example, they are repeated or systematic violations that can be considered unacceptable from a broader societal perspective. Violations of internal regulations such as codes of conduct may in some cases be of general interest.

  • General expressions of dissatisfaction. Such matters must be communicated to the immediate manager or the HR function.
  • Reporting of security protection classified information.
  • Information covered by a so-called qualified duty of confidentiality. This may be, for example, information concerning a country’s relationship with foreign power where national security is in danger or certain secrecy within the authorities’ personnel administration.

SSC’s internal reporting channel is a secure system provided by SSC’s independent party KPMG AB (“KPMG”). KPMG’s Whistleblower Service is completely independent of SSC’s intranet and external website and can receive reports 24/7.

  1. A report is submitted by the person who wants to report filling in an electronic form in KPMG’s Whistleblower Service. Reporting can also be done via voicemail: see info on top of this page. Via KPMG’s Whistleblower Service or voicemail solution, the reporting person can also request to report during a face-to-face meeting.
  2. The reporting person is assigned a unique case number and password, in case the reporting person wishes to continue the dialogue and/or follow the status of the case. The information needs to be saved securely.
  3. KPMG’s reviewer unit receives the case (and send a confirmation to the reporting person that the report has been received if the person who reported it has created an account for further contact or provided contact information in another way).
  4. KPMG’s reviewer unit makes an initial assessment of the case.
  5. The report and the initial assessment are forwarded to the pre-determined contact persons within SSC for further handling and action planning. KPMG ensures that a report is not forwarded to anyone within SSC who is affected by the report.
  6. SSC decides on any remediation measures.
  7. Feedback is provided to the person who reported, if the person has created an account or provided contact information in another way.


More information on whistleblowing (pdf)

Information on KPMG’s processing of personal data (pdf)

UN Global Compact

Since 2013 SSC has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

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We help Earth benefit from Space!