Author: Philip

The Swedish Astronomical Youth Association to measure cosmic radiation onboard SSC rocket

13:10 pm . October 5, 2022

Space is becoming increasingly important for our societies and the interest for this industry keeps growing, not least among the younger generation. In an effort to reduce the gap between academia and industry and securing the future space professionals, SSC[...]

A beautiful launch of a beautiful rocket

16:10 pm . October 4, 2022

The shiny thulite red TEXUS-57 was launched from Esrange Space Center, Kiruna, on Saturday morning.

Innovating life on Earth – through space technology

10:10 am . October 3, 2022

Space business is booming all over the world. And it’s not just out of curiosity or the vanity of billionaires. For humankind to survive, we need to make life on Earth more sustainable, and this can be achieved through innovative[...]