
Armelle Frenea-Schmidt

Armelle Frenea-Schmidt

“Kiruna has the potential. It is both unique and wild!”

The city, Space, and a student program at Esrange Space Center made space engineer Armelle Frenea-Schmidt move from France to Kiruna in Sweden. It was a desire she had since visiting the space center for the first time a few years ago. 

The first time Armelle was in Kiruna was as an ESA (European Space Agency) Young Graduate Trainee participating in a campaign within the Swedish-German student program REXUS/BEXUS.

“I was drawn to the exciting activities at Esrange, and I really enjoyed the time with the people I met there. I also liked Kiruna and especially the nature that surrounds the city. When I got the chance to work as a program manager for REXUS/BEXUS I took it and moved here!”

“The REXUS/BEXUS program offers a great opportunity for Kiruna and Sweden to attract the younger generation of scientists and engineers from all Europe. And it is a chance for SSC and Esrange to show our versatile business for future professionals within the space industry”, says Armelle.

Armelle now works as Business Development Director at SSC and is still based at Esrange Space Center.

Can you explain what your work is about?

As a Business Developer, I joined a well-experienced team to find new opportunities for launch campaigns, student programs, ground scientific instrumentation and future orbital launch services. It is a work where you need to be creative and able to listen to your customers and colleagues, which means working with many people from different backgrounds and cultures. I love the open-mindedness and flexibility of this position.

What makes you want to stay in Kiruna?

First of all, the most challenging aspect of moving to Kiruna is to find a place to live. Once solved, you can just enjoy it! Indeed, there is no such place where you can live in a cabin in the woods while working at a space center every day. Even after four years, I still enjoy opening the Esrange gate with my SSC badge!


Image credit: REXUS/BEXUS

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