Connect Lunar

Your connection to the Moon and beyond

SSC provides the world’s first commercial lunar communications solution. Our advanced ground station network has supported the Apollo Space Program and numerous other lunar missions for both agencies and commercial companies.

We offer secure, reliable, and comprehensive communication services for spacecraft and lunar vehicles, ensuring your mission to the Moon and beyond is a success.

Availability, Performance and Support

SSC is the only commercial partner offering a full-scale lunar mission support.

The SSC Ground Station Network is designed for a high availability in a multi-mission concept. This allows us to provide a minimum service availability of 99.8 percent.

It is also made with a high level of redundancy and diversity that provides a minimum of 99,5 percent of service performance.

SSC offers service from 5 kbps to 80 Mbps in S, X, and Ka band using a global network of large aperture antennas for lunar distances.

The SSC support team is based on experienced SSC personnel with expertise from many years of lunar service support that saved many missions.

Antenna at night, in Santiago, Chile.

Full range of lunar sub-services

  • Establishment
  • Mission Control
  • Flight Dynamics
  • Monitor and Control
  • Launchpad support
  • Launcher tracking
  • LEOP
  • Re-orbit to the Moon
  • Re-entry to lunar orbit
  • Landing


  • SSC is a well-known and trusted partner
  • Reliable and secure space connectivity
  • Highly skilled operations support for critical mission services
  • Easy to apply for permits and licenses
Erwin Mercado

Erwin Mercado

Business Development

“SSC is making new investments in its lunar network to support trusted customers and upcoming missions”

Want more information? Contact us now!