Esrange is located in the very north of Sweden, above the Arctic Circle (68°N, 21°E) and has access to a vast, unpopulated impact and recovery area.

The world's most versatile space center

Esrange, owned and operated by SSC, has been operational since 1966. It is presently used by the international scientific community for launching sounding rockets for microgravity and atmospheric research as well as high altitude balloons for astronomy, atmospheric research and drop tests of space and aerial vehicles. A new infrastructure also offers reusable rocket tests, engine and fuel tests, as well as launches of satellites, making it the first site on EU territory with orbital launch capability.

Esrange also accommodates one of the world’s largest civilian satellite ground stations and acts as a hub in our satellite station network.

Esrange Space Center


Satellite Launch

Your European launch provider for small satellites

From 2023, Spaceport Esrange is the new European launch capability for small satellites, providing a state-of-the art service at Esrange Space Center in northern Sweden, with full launch capabilities for standardized polar orbits. We have the launch site, the rocket partner and experienced staff who’ll take care of all your needs. Make Esrange your launch provider for small satellites.

Regin Norrbotten logo
With financial support from Region Norrbotten and Kiruna Municipality.

Animated launch from Spaceport Esrange

Sounding Rockets

Rapid access to Space and back

SSC provides support for sounding rocket missions at the Esrange facility. This includes providing complete solutions ranging from only using the site for launches with customer personnel, to the provision of flight tickets on one of the sounding rockets being launched by SSC.

Stratospheric Balloons

Helping your mission to reach new heights

SSC has a complete range of stratospheric balloon services for all your research needs. We’ve launched more than 600 stratospheric balloons since 1974, with payloads of several tons to near-space altitudes above 40 kilometers and flight times from just a couple of hours up to two weeks. Use our facilities at Esrange or we can come to you. Whether it’s atmospheric research, astronomy or technical tests of re-entry capsules and unmanned vehicles, we’ll help your research to reach new heights.


Testing future European rocket technology

The state-of-the-art testbed at SSC’s Esrange Space Center gives you access to Europe’s first testing facility for reusable, sustainable and cost-effective rocket technology. We can also help you with test firing of solid and liquid rocket motors, trialing exploration vehicles and systems, and testing engines fueled by sustainable propellants. Testbed Esrange is your site for testing future European rocket technology.

Hot Fire Test, RFA

Esrange Satellite Station

Particularly advantageous for accessing polar orbiting satellites

The Esrange Space Center Satellite Station includes six independent Telemetry Tracking & Command (TT&C) systems in S-Band (one with receive capability also in the UHF-Band), six multi-frequency receive antenna systems in S/X-Band and an operational building which houses reception system electronics and data processing equipment.

Esrange Space Center is manned 24/7 and has abundant space available for antenna and equipment expansion to accommodate our growing customer base.

Autonomous systems

SSC provides support for autonomous system missions at the Esrange facility.

The support includes flight-testing new vehicles, sensor trials, and operator training.

By using its 6 600 km² restricted airspace – GND to UNL – Esrange provides one of the largest areas in Europe to fly UAS and drones.

D-SEND drop test
Esrange lidar

Ground instruments

SSC provides support for scientific ground instruments at the Esrange facility.

A special observation site, KEOPS (Kiruna Esrange Optical Platform Site), located on a hill on the Esrange premises, is an ideal location to place scientific ground instruments. We also use several SSC-owned instruments at the facility.

Esrange User Handbook

Esrange Users Handbook

Summarizes policies and procedures for facility use and provides a description of the range capabilities to users.


Safety information

Mainly for anyone who resides in the Esrange area, Kiruna, Sweden.


Rocket and balloon activities

A list of most of our launch missions.

Document icon

Esrange Safety Manual

For all contractors, experimenters, range users and SSC personnel.

Esrange Space Center

Watch the film


Watch our latest SubOrbital Express rocket mission from Esrange Space Center

Curious what we can do for you?

Give us a call

Safety information regarding rocket launch from Esrange Space Center:
During the period January 23rd - February 6th 2025, two rockets will be launched from Esrange Space Center. Safety information

Rocket Engine Tests at Esrange Space Center
Multiple rocket engine tests will be conducted daily at Esrange Space Center between 1st of December 2024 until 31st of May 2025.